Help safeguard sensitive information and prevent unauthorised access.

Ensure adequate protection is in place for your organisation's information

The GDPR was designed to enhance privacy rights and empower individuals with greater control over their personal information. By safeguarding information, organisations not only comply with legal obligations but also establish trust and credibility with their customers. Data breaches and unauthorised access to sensitive data can have severe consequences, including financial losses, repetitional damage, and legal penalties. Therefore, implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular data audits, is crucial for GDPR compliance.

Ensure adequate protection is in place for your organisation's information

The GDPR was designed to enhance privacy rights and empower individuals with greater control over their personal information. By safeguarding information, organisations not only comply with legal obligations but also establish trust and credibility with their customers.

Data breaches and unauthorised access to sensitive data can have severe consequences, including financial losses, repetitional damage, and legal penalties. Therefore, implementing robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular data audits, is crucial for GDPR compliance.

How can your business improve the GDPR document infrastructure?

Document Security and Cost Control software helps your company gain control of their printing and apply key security rules.

Our software seamlessly integrates with your multifunctional device allowing you to automate rule-based printing, identify users and allocate document costs.

Reasons to Consider Document Security and Cost Controls:

Monitor print and scan usage, company wide

Eliminate paper wastage

Allocate cost centres and allocate document costs

Secure print jobs and “follow me print”

Central Administration of your fleet and usage: Reports and statistical information

Integrate into existing access card or vending card systems

Biometric Authentication and controls

Features Include:

Data overwrite (up to three times)

Manual and Automatic Deletion processes

Date Encryption

Password Protection

Criteria Cert ISO15408

Data Security Kit: Information that is copied, printed, scanned or saved on today’s Multifunctional device leaves a latent print. This information is often highly sensitive and needs to be protected from unauthorised access or after the machine has been decommissioned.

Cloud Integrated or Server Based Document Management Software

We have the expertise to work as an extension of your team, ensuring our solutions have a strategic impact on your business. Together we can create a frictionless experience for your customers.

Perfect for Finance, HR, Logistic and Quality Control departments of any size company. We configure custom user definable fields that suit you and your business, so you don't need to work within restrictive pre-determined index and search criteria that come out of the box with other solutions. Each solution is bespoke but at a very Cost Effective monthly charge.

The software is Irish Revenue compliant and provides the infrastructure for HR and GDPR policies and compliance. Share and provide access to remote workers to documents and information securely from wherever they are working from. Never lose or misplace a document again, eliminate document storage requirements, filing cabinets and costly offsite storage.

Document Management Challenges


Storing electronic documents by printing them and placing them in physical folders incurs expensive monthly fees for outsourced document storage facilities, and the extensive floor space or entire rooms occupied by physical files result in the wastage of valuable employee time and financial resources when misfiled documents need to be located.


Concerns about potential GDPR non-compliance fines, the risk of lost or misplaced documents, and the necessity for securely maintaining documents due to lengthy retention periods for Revenue and Statutory obligations highlight the importance of ensuring accessibility and security for years to come.


The onerous and time-consuming task of locating and retrieving accurate information is compounded by the challenges of managing multiple silos, including Shared Drive, Cloud, One Drive, and Local Drive, especially for remote workers who lack access to physical files; sharing documents with clients becomes difficult, and the inconsistency of the manual filing system contributes to chaos.

Why Document Security?

Our solutions are cost-effective and user-friendly , that offers the following benefits:

Capture physical and digital documents to a central location for secure storage

Electronic files are exported via a virtual printer, reducing print costs by up to 30%

Eliminate the need to drill through countless folders on your network to find a document

Share documents with clients easily without the need to email, copy, print or post

Remote workers can access documents from any location on any device

Enforce a file naming convention, giving structure and consistency to how files are organised

Revenue and GDPR compliance – Store files securely for the required retention period

Disaster Recovery plan in the event of fire, flood, or theft

Instantly retrieve all information without leaving your desk

Learn more about safegaurding you business critical information.

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